"Come on in, make yourself at home, and take off your pants!" TV's Craig Ferguson

Friday, May 28, 2010

Today's Weight

357.5. Today's weight, or more the gained half-pound, is brought to you by Dairy Queen and their fine assortment of Blizzard flavor treats!

Honestly though, I would have had to eat about six of Blizzards yesterday to have that half-pound be all Blizzard though it isn't a good idea to eat one daily. Yesterday was the start of summer, as it was the last day of school for the princess, so what better way then to meet the bus with some Alice Cooper blaring as we sang "School's Out" on our way to the local Dairy Queen. Calorically not the best plan, but there are just some aspects of Americana that you can never do without...

Also, though the blueberry biscuits from Hardees also may sound like a bad idea, but maybe not that bad of an idea. Turns out they are 470 calories a piece bad, but oooh so delicious!


  1. Andy,Andy,Andy...Dairy Queen and Hardees should not be on the menu.

    I myself am on a weight loss journey, doctors orders and it has been rough with all the tasty stuff out there. But I just had to accept that Dairy Queen, Hardees, and all other fast food joints were no longer on the menu.

  2. Though they are high in calories, nobody changes overnight. If you deprive yourself of the things you enjoy long enough you'll eventually give in to temptation. Except then you'll feel so guilty that you give up altogether.

    If you want it, eat it, but make sure it is for the right reasons and that it doesn't become a habit. That is what has worked for me anyway.
